Arrival & Dismissal Information
The first day of school is Monday, August 12th. Students can arrive by 8:40 a.m. We will only have supervision beginning at that time. The line-up bell rings at 8:55am and students will line up on their room numbered line by the MPR door. If your child is eating breakfast at school, we ask that they please arrive promptly at 8:40am. We have a closed campus in the mornings. However, we will allow Kindergarten and Pre-K families to assist their children during the first two days of school. Children are dismissed at 3:11pm from their teacher to Kiss & Go, the bus area, or designated spot.
There will be no daily dismissal from 2:45pm-3:11pm, please pick up your child before
2:45 p.m., if needed.
Please note, student cell phones must be turned off while on campus except after the dismissal bell.
Early Childhood Hours: AM 8:55 am - 11:30 am. PM 12:40 pm - 3:11 pm
Drop off and pick up at Kindergarten gate.
Please review our website at www.ulisnewton.com to set up bus transportation, secure before/after school childcare, or to review dress code policies before completing your back to school shopping. Please note all student absences need to have a note or phone call within three days of the absence to be marked as excused.
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you and welcome any assistance you can provide to help us get ready for another year! If you have any questions, please call the Newton office at (702) 799-0500. Our school office hours are 7:30-4:00 p.m.