Submit a R.A.V.E (Recognize a Valued Employee) Review
Have you experienced great customer service from a Clark County School District employee? If so, we want to hear about it!
What is a RAVE Review?
A RAVE Review is an unsolicited special recognition that acknowledges a CCSD employee who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a project of high quality workmanship and/or a caring and sensitive attitude. A RAVE Review is meant to acknowledge exemplary behavior or an example of going the extra mile.
A RAVE Review is an unsolicited special recognition that acknowledges a CCSD employee who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a project of very high quality, workmanship and/or a caring and sensitive attitude. A RAVE Review is meant to acknowledge exemplary behavior or an example of going the extra mile. It is NOT meant to be just a thank you for doing the job that the employee is hired for. The following is an example of the kind of effort that a RAVE Review is meant for:
Who can submit a RAVE Review?
Students, parents, teachers, administrators, coworkers, and all community members.
You can submit a RAVE Review by clicking here.